Get A First Estimate on Your House's Solar Potential

Are you considering whether to get solar panels mounted on your house but don't know where to start?
This website is designed to help you get a basic understanding of the solar potential at your house.

How it Works

1. Find your house (or any location of interest) in the map. You can zoom in and out or use the search bar.
2. Click on the map to drop a mock solar panel at the location. It will appear as a red rectangle.
3. Click on the red PV panel to rotate it.
No need to worry about panel tilt. Based on your chosen location, the ideal solar panel tilt for summer, winter, spring/fall, and a year-round fixed panel will be automatically calculated.

General Tip on the Panel Rotation

In the Northern hemisphere, you generally want to rotate your solar panel pointing North and vice versa in the Southern hemisphere. That way the panel will be tilted towards the equator and capture the most sunlight.